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Revista Parousia Narrow Results

A revista Parousia é uma publicação da UNASPRESS em parceria com a Faculdade de Teologia do Unasp, campus Engenheiro Coelho. Em suas páginas o leitor encontrará artigos produzidos pelos mais conceituados acadêmicos da teologia adventista do sétimo dia, no Brasil e no mundo.

  • Adventist Resource
    'I Used to Be Perfect' - An Ex-Legalist Reflects on Law, Perfection, and Adventism Tertiary
    In this article, the author recounts his personal experience in a search for perfection, previously understood by him as a meticulous fulfillment of innumerable behavioral rules. In a creative and humorous way, he demonstrates the incoherence of the perfectionist...

  • Adventist Resource
    A Biblical Foundation for Small Groups Tertiary
    "Since a few decades ago until the present time, Small Groups have taken an important roll in the growth and development of churches around the world. This growth, declared as a phenomenon by various authors, also bring considerable challenges for...

  • Adventist Resource
    A Creationist View of Education Tertiary
    "This article presents creationism as the main difference between Christian and secular education. The author defines the objectives and methods of Christian teaching, relating Bible texts and passages from Ellen G. White’s writings to the etimological...

  • Adventist Resource
    A T Jones - The Decline of a Leader Tertiary
    "This article presents a detailed analysis of the personality and trajectory of A. T. Jones, one of the most important characters in the 1888 General Conference session. According to the author, Jones always had tendencies to auto-sufficiency and superiority...

  • Adventist Resource
    A Wonderful Person Called the Holy Spirit Tertiary
    The Holy Spirit is revealed in Scripture as a divine Person similar to the Father and the Son, and at the same time distinct from both. But dissenting groups of Adventism insist that the Holy Spirit is merely an expendable energy coming from God. In response...

  • Adventist Resource
    Agape - Love of Neighbor in the Perspective of John's Writings Tertiary
    This paper, beginning with an introductory consideration of the question of unity in John's writings, seeks to present a basis for a broad understanding of love of neighbor. It considers agape love as a link between the spiritual and material worlds, projecting...

  • Adventist Resource
    An Evaluation of the Attitude of Some Independent Ministries Towards the Church Tertiary
    This document is an adapted summary of a study done at the request of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church with the purpose of clarifying the church's relationship with some particular organizations (ministries). Some of these...

  • Adventist Resource
    And All the Earth Marveled - John Paul II's Contribution to the Restoration of Papal Power Tertiary
    This article analyzes the contribution of Karol Wojtyla's pontificate to the restoration of papal power, power that had been lost since the end of the 18th century. Through summaries, the author takes into the extraordinary impact of the most important actions...

  • Adventist Resource
    Antitrinitarianism or Antitrinitarianisms? Tertiary
    This paper begins with an overview of the various forms of historical anti-trinitarianism, in order to demonstrate that this plurality is currently reflected in the thinking of Adventist dissenters opposed to the doctrine of the Trinity. Comparing texts published...

  • Adventist Resource
    Before and After Minneapolis Tertiary
    "The sermon reproduced below was originally presented by its author at Unasp church, campus Engenheiro Coelho (São Paulo Adventist University College), in June 7, 2008. After demonstrating that many Adventists are confused about justification...

  • Adventist Resource
    Book Review of 'Touched by Our Feelings' Tertiary
    In a historical analysis of Adventist thinking about the human nature of Christ, Zurcher seeks to resolve the issue by arguing that Adventist thinking evolved, over the last century and a half, from a strictly post-lapsarian position to current conceptions.

  • Adventist Resource
    Christ and Christians Tertiary
    This article seeks to demonstrate the internal contradictions of postlapsarian theory. Besides the questions related to the unique identity and mission of Jesus Christ, which make Him absolutely separate from our sinful nature, the author deals at length...

  • Adventist Resource
    Contextualizing the Gospel from the Perspective of Social Ministries - Opportunities and Risks Tertiary
    This article ponders the risks and opportunities involved in the process of contextualizing the Gospel to diverse cultures in the contemporary context. These risks include the loss of identity and the exclusivist stance that sees Western culture as superior...

  • Adventist Resource
    Creationism in the Media Tertiary
    "This article studies the approach adopted by the media in the last years concerning the origins. By analyzing printed and virtual materials, the article reveals the prevailing prejudice against the creationist theory and the intelligent design, demonstrating...

  • Adventist Resource
    Critical Review of the Book 'Father and I Are One' Tertiary
    This article provides a critical review of the anti-Trinitarian book "I and the Father Are One", 2nd ed. (São Paulo: Christian Bible Ministry, 2004), authored by Ricardo Nicotra. After mentioning some historical background, the article critically...

  • Adventist Resource
    Critical Review of the Book 'Perfection & Perfectionism' Tertiary
    This article presents a critical review of the book Perfection & Perfectionism, 4th ed. (Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1984), authored by Hans K. LaRondelle. First, the article considers the context of perfectionism in various historical...

  • Adventist Resource
    Divorce and Remarriage in Matthew 19 Tertiary
    This article deals with the issue of marriage and divorce. The author, after indicating Jesus' consistent emphasis on the indissolubility of marriage, since divorce contradicts the divine intention expressed in the created order, dedicates theological and...

  • Adventist Resource
    Divorce and Remarriage in the Old Testament - A New Analysis of Deuteronomy 24:1-4 Tertiary
    This study aims to take a fresh look at the most influential text on divorce and remarriage in the Old Testament: Deuteronomy 24:1-4. The importance of this passage is due to the scope of its implications for understanding New Testament verses on marriage...

  • Adventist Resource
    Doctrinal Unity and Growth of the Adventist Church in the Post-1888 Period Tertiary
    Taking as his starting point the 1888 crisis, the author analyzes the profiles and motivations of the main characters involved and presents a historical overview of the crises related to this event: (1) climate of church division; (2) theological unpreparedness...

  • Adventist Resource
    Doctrine Questions - History and Impact on the South American Division Tertiary
    This article presents the history and the impact caused by a publication about doctrinal questions in of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. When it came off the press for the first time in the States United, in 1957, the book was at the center of intense...

  • Adventist Resource
    Ellen G. White and the Understanding of the Trinity Tertiary
    This article examines Ellen G. White's participation in the process of developing the doctrine of the Trinity among Seventh-day Adventists. The author presents evidence in support of four hypotheses: (1) that Ellen White was a "Trinitarian Monotheist"...

  • Adventist Resource
    Fear and Fear of God - A Homiletical Study on the Relationship with the Divine in Scripture Tertiary
    This article consists of a brief study on the meaning of the expression "the fear of the Lord", which appears frequently throughout the sacred text, but text, but especially in the poetic and wisdom writings. It deals first with the question of...

  • Adventist Resource
    Health Care Reform - History and Theological Relevance in the Adventist Movement Tertiary
    "This article analyses the development and relevance of the health message in the Adventist movement. The first part discusses about the historical background and the development of the health message in the first years of the seventh day Adventist...

  • Adventist Resource
    How Evolution Replaced Creation to Explain the Origin of Life Tertiary
    Between the 16th and 17th centuries, some philosophers, such as Galileo Galilei and Francis Bacon, proposed that science is a knowledge alien to culture and social events, not subject to any limitations. They claimed that scientific knowledge possesses...

  • Adventist Resource
    How Sunday Became a Popular Day of Worship - Part 1 Tertiary
    This first part of the article deals with the biblical and historical evidence supporting the claim that the Sabbath was the day of worship and rest for the Christians of the first centuries. This same evidence also undermines any attempt to place Sunday...

  • Adventist Resource
    How Sunday Became a Popular Day of Worship - Part 2 Tertiary
    This second part of the article demonstrates the gradual way in which the observance of the biblical day of rest was transferred from the seventh to the first day of the week. On the one hand, the literary evidence from the first centuries of the Christian...

  • Adventist Resource
    Human Perfection? A Linguistic Analysis of Matthew 5:48 Tertiary
    This article presents an exegetical analysis of Matthew 5:48, seeking to understand what Jesus Christ had in mind when he said the words, "Be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect." In an opposite direction to the thesis that the verse...

  • Adventist Resource
    Infidelity in the Light of the Bible and the Church Manual Tertiary
    This article deals with issues involved in the breaking of the marriage vow. After reflecting on the permanence of marriage as a divine institution dissolved only in the presence of death of one of the spouses or by adultery of one of the parties, the author...

  • Adventist Resource
    Is There a Connection Between the Holocaust and the New Testament? Tertiary
    In the recent debate about the possible historical and ideological connections between the Holocaust and the New Testament, a group of Jews and Christians have argued that there is a direct relationship between the New Testament, anti-Semitism and the Holocaust....

  • Adventist Resource
    Jesus, Divorce and Remarriage in Matthew 19 Tertiary
    This article deals with the issue of marriage and divorce. The author, after indicating Jesus' consistent emphasis on the indissolubility of marriage, since divorce contradicts the divine intention expressed in the created order, devotes theological and exegetical...

  • Adventist Resource
    Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage - Conflicting Positions Tertiary
    This article deals with the four basic positions taken by different Christian interpretations regarding divorce and remarriage: 1) No divorce, no remarriage; 2) Divorce but no remarriage; 3) Divorce and remarriage only for adultery; and 4) Divorce and remarriage...

  • Adventist Resource
    Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Writings of Ellen G. White Tertiary
    The discussion among Adventists about divorce and remarriage goes back to the beginning of the history of the Adventist church, at the time of the organization of its first association. However, a position of the institution on the issue has only been defined...

  • Adventist Resource
    Mission and Growth - Challenges to the Adventist Movement Tertiary
    This article describes the experience of the Adventist Church in the early days of the movement, comparing the understanding of a theology of mission with the historical growth of the church. The author argues that an incomplete emphasis within the theological...

  • Adventist Resource
    Modern Antitrinitarian Hermeneutics - Methodological Analysis Tertiary
    This paper critically analyzes modern Adventist antitrinitarian hermeneutics. Special attention is given to the way in which this hermeneutic (1) uses misdirection of focus; (2) does historical re-readings; (3) suggests a post-1855 Adventist doctrinal stagnation;...

  • Adventist Resource
    Report on Hope International and Associated Groups Tertiary
    This report, published in August 2000 in the Adventist Review and Ministry periodicals, contains the conclusions of an inquiry made at the time by the Administrative Commission of the General Conference of the Adventist church with the leadership of Hope International...

  • Adventist Resource
    Sumer and the Extra-Biblical Testimonies of Genesis 1-11 Tertiary
    "For centuries, the historicity of chapters 1 - 11 of Genesis remained unchallenged. However, from the 19th century on, new theological trends started to offer another interpretation for this text, considering it a mere tale created by the Jews or...

  • Adventist Resource
    Symbolization in Miniature and the 'Day-Year' Principle of Prophetic Interpretation Tertiary
    This article suggests that the concept of "miniature symbolization" can be used as a basic criterion for distinguishing between periods of prophetic time prophetic time periods to which the dia-ano principle should be applied and the periods to...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Adventist Debate on the Trinity Tertiary
    This article describes the development of the Adventist understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity over more than a century and a half of history. The author divides this development into six periods, in which the most significant literary contributions...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Beast of Revelation 17 - A Suggestion Tertiary
    This article focuses on a theological and structural study of Revelation 17, a section of biblical literature considered a theological crux. Precisely because of its enigmatic character and language, the beast described here has suggested an enormous variety...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Bible and Radio Communication Tertiary
    "This article [portrays] the importance of the radio as media capable of accomplishing the mission of spreading the message of Jesus’ coming. This media that in the not so distant past has already been in the limelight, seems to have resisted...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Challenge of Origins Tertiary
    "In 2009, the advocates of the evolutionist theory celebrated the two hundred years of Charles Darwin´s birth and the one hundred and fifty years of his book The Origin of Species. In Brazil, part of this celebration was dedicated to promoting...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Cult of Mary - A Creation of the Papacy Tertiary
    The present work focuses on how the cult to the person of Mary, mother of Jesus, became one of the defining characteristics of Roman Catholicism. In addition to investigating the historical roots of this form of worship, the author compares it with the testimony...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Heavens, the Gap and the Week of Creation Tertiary
    "Accepting the literalness of Genesis 1 not only allows us to recognize God as a powerful and eternal Being, who reveals Himself by means of His creation, but also provides us with a suitable context to interpret the rest of the Scripture. In the...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Holy Spirit in Ellen G. White's Eschatology Tertiary
    This article analyzes Ellen G. White's eschatological understanding of the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the last days of church history. The author, in a first step, discusses the textual evidence that demonstrates that Ellen G. White believed in...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Importance of the Dates 508 to 538 AD for Papal Supremacy Tertiary
    The dates 508 and 538 AD are very significant to Seventh-day Adventists. The first is traditionally recognized as the beginning of the 1,290 and 1,335 days/years of Daniel 12:11 and 12, and the second as the starting point of the 1,260 days/years of Revelation...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Incarnation and the 'Son of Man' Tertiary
    This article deals with the theme of the incarnation of Jesus Christ. The author investigates the meaning of the expression "Son of Man" used by Jesus in reference to himself, then considers the nature and purpose of the divine-human union in...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Nature of Christ: - The Soteriological Question Tertiary
    The present article deals with the nature of Christ in light of the doctrine of salvation. The author assesses the soteriological connections involved in the Christian church's rejection of some of the main christological heresies of the first centuries....

  • Adventist Resource
    The Nature of the Abrahamic Covenant - An Analysis of the Dispensationalist Interpretation Tertiary
    This article deals with the question of the nature of the Abrahamic Covenant. Is it conditional or unconditional as advocated by dispensationalist hermeneutics? The author argues that this covenant was never intended to be purely Jewish. It also included divine...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Omega of the Apostasy - In the Image and Likeness of the Alpha Tertiary
    This article compares the current apostasy related to the rejection of the biblical doctrine of the Trinity with the serious apostasy related to pantheism in the Adventist church at the beginning of the last century, which Ellen G. White called the alpha apostasy....

  • Adventist Resource
    The Papacy of John Paul II and the Three Angels' Messages Tertiary
    A clear understanding of the origin and mission of Seventh-day Adventism presupposes a correct understanding of the messages of the three angels of Revelation 14:6-12, which in turn cannot ignore the role the role of the Roman Catholic Church within the...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Passion Stirs up Commotion Tertiary
    This article discusses the wide acceptance of Mel Gibson's film, The Passion, in the international evangelical milieu, and gives a brief analysis of the elements of Catholic theology present in the film.

  • Adventist Resource
    The Pauline Privilege - Remarriage After Abandonment by an Unbelieving Spouse Tertiary
    This article deals with the misinterpretation that some people make of I Corinthians 7:15. For these, the verse allows the abandoned spouse to be released from the marriage vow. The author, however, makes it clear that this is not a case contemplated in Christ's...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Sealing of the 144,000 Tertiary
    "This article consists in a biblical study about the sealing of the 144 thousand and includes its relation with the Sabbath sign and with the seal of the Holy Spirit. It shows the importance and usefulness of the seals in human history and analyses...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Significance of the Minneapolis Message for 21st Century Adventists Tertiary
    The author presents the main aspects of the message of justification by faith of 1888, as as expounded by E. J. Waggoner and summarized by Ellen G. White in Testimonies for for Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 91-93. Waggoner emphasized (1) God's initiative...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Singularities of Ellen G. White - Socio-cultural Reflections on a Remarkable American Woman, with Emphasis on the 1888 Crisis Tertiary
    Drawing from various scholars, such as Walter D. Mignolo Gloria E. Anzaldúa and Boaventura de Sousa Santos, the author composes a comparative theoretical framework between modern social theories and the cultural context experienced by Ellen G....

  • Adventist Resource
    The Spirit-Parakletos in the Fourth Gospel Tertiary
    This article deals with the Greek title parákletos in the fourth gospel, attributed, as is biblically and historically evident, to the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity. The author emphasizes that, although the parakletos is the gift of the...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Tension Between Imminence and Delay of Jesus' Coming Tertiary
    "This article studies the tension between the imminence and tardiness of Jesus’ coming. The first part analyses the theme according to what is presented in 2 Peter 3:3-12. It later considers various aspects related with the topic proposed as...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Trinity in the Scriptures Tertiary
    This paper provides an investigation of the biblical evidence supporting the doctrine of the Trinity. Several references from both the Old and New Testaments are considered in their respective Hebrew and/or Greek linguistic contexts. The author also points...

  • Adventist Resource
    To Educate Is to Redeem - Meaning and Implications of the Notion of Redemption-education in the Writings of Ellen G. White Tertiary
    "This article is about redemption in Ellen G. White’s writings. Other than including redemption as a process, Ellen G. White understands redemption as knowledge of Christ. Therefore, it is an experience in daily living. In this manner, the study...

  • Adventist Resource
    Trinity - A Dogma of Constantine? Tertiary
    Dissenting anti-Trinitarian groups in Adventism have claimed that the doctrine of the Trinity was formulated at the Council of Nicea (325 AD), under the influence of the Roman Emperor Constantine. The article demonstrates the existence of several allusions...

  • Adventist Resource
    Twelve Realities Related to Justification by Faith in the Context of the Minneapolis Assembly Tertiary
    Seventh-day Adventists are sometimes accused of officially defending a more Catholic than Protestant position on of the doctrine of justification by faith. In response to this allegation, the author systematizes in "twelve realities" the biblical...

  • Adventist Resource
    Virtual Cheating, Porn, and Remarriage Tertiary
    The present article addresses the issue of virtual sex over the internet. This is a recent activity that has caused pain and suffering to its victims. Unfortunately, the problem has affected some members of the Adventist church. The situation raises intricate...

  • Adventist Resource
    What Does God Require? - A Critical Analysis of ‘Last Generation’ Theology Tertiary
    This article critically analyzes the "last generation" theology, according to which Christ will return only when God's people reach the condition of sinless perfection. The author argues that Ellen White understood "perfection" not as...

  • Adventist Resource
    What Human Nature Did Jesus Assume? Not Fallen Tertiary
    This article provides an argumentation for the defense that Jesus assumed in his incarnation a morally and spiritually impeccable human nature, although He became similar to other men in the physical point of view. The author also explains why these conditions...

  • Adventist Resource
    Will There Be Marriages on the New Earth? Tertiary
    This article addresses the question of the lifestyle of the redeemed after the resurrection. Throughout history there have been divergent teachings on this subject. While some hold to Christ's teaching that the saved, like angels, will not marry or be given...

  • Adventist Resource
    ‘Let Us Go On to Perfection’ - The Bible’s Teaching on Sanctification and Perfection Tertiary
    The author presents, in a constructive rather than apologetic manner, the biblical doctrine of Christian perfection as spiritual maturity and genuine love for God and neighbor. He argues that Scripture never equate "perfection" with the sinless...