Success stories: The development of a theory to explain the qualities found in Adventist schools that show consistent enrollment increases

What are the qualities found in select Adventist schools that show consistent enrollment increases over the last five years? The telling of their success stories gives clues to how others might reverse the enrollment trend in Adventist Education which has been declining over the last several years.

Analysis of the data from these successful schools demonstrates that the primary key to enrollment success is visionary leadership. For a school to experience success, these stories indicate there must be a leader that has a vision, the latitude to exert leadership, longevity, and is supported by academics, marketing, and physical plant changes to build student centered qualities that attract additional students. The resulting theory of School Enrollment Success was developed from the data.

Primary question: What common qualities are demonstrated at Seventh-day Adventist Schools that have consistent enrollment increases?

For Sale
Publication Date:
Jerrell E Gilkeson
Order Information:
Full text available online through ProQuest Digital Dissertations. Completed through La Sierra University.
Resource Type:
Unpublished Plans & Papers; Internet Resources
Resource Objective:
Kindergarten-Grade 12
Religious Origin:
Seventh-day Adventist