Hey Love Them and They Will Come

Why don’t young people see religion as central in their lives? Think about it. You mentor, you pray…a lot. You speak about the love of Jesus, about the Bible, and you may lead conversations about God and His power to change lives. You spend most of your time as a youth or young adult leader or youth ministry professional trying to help the young attach themselves as followers of Christ to a local group, community or congregation. But why do they leave? Why do they seem so apathetic about church and God? In this book, the authors—a father and son—share their vision and passion about ministry to young people. They share their insights about the church, youth involvement, religious experience, ministry, faith development, worship, Bible study, compassion, and creativity. Both come from a background of ministry to youth and young adults and both have a passion for Christ and a belief that doing things better does make a real difference. What’s more, each offers rubber-meets-the-road ideas that you can try with your youth group, youth club, Bible study group, mission team, or conversational group of young adults.

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Publication Date:
Bailey Gillespie
Resource Type:
Books, Guides & Reports
Resource Objective:
Administrator / Leader, Researcher
Religious Origin:
Seventh-day Adventist