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  • Adventist Resource
    Interactive High School Biology Grade 9-Tertiary New!!
    Adventist teacher Leslie Samuel shares video tutorials, lectures, powerpoint presentations, games and other resources to help make teaching and learning high school biology easier and fun!

  • Adventist Resource
    Measuring Equilibrants with a Bracket-Mounted Force Sensor Tertiary-Lifelong
    Kingman and Rowland report on research on vectors and their addition. This article shares how combining forces in the laboratory can provide concrete experiences for students to understand vectors. An example of this process is shared, along with a table showing...

  • Adventist Resource
    NAD Science Curriculum Guide 9-12 Grade 9-Grade 12
    The NAD science curriculum guide for Grades 9-12 includes rationale, philosophy, goals, scope and sequence, and content overview for each of the major disciplines: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Physics. It is intended as a guide...