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CIRCLE Resource Entry & Review Form

Let's collaborate! From an Adventist world view, contribute and review a resource you have used to teach some level of Seventh-day Adventist education, or that you recommend as valuable to a school library for independent student reading. All entries will be screened before showing in CIRCLE categories.

Section 1: Resource Details

ISBN or other standard product number:
Publication/Production date:
Religious origin:
Length (pages/minutes):
Intended Audience:
Grade/interest level (enter range, lowest-highest):
Resource description or summary (1-3 paragraphs, include list of any materials that a

Resource type:

Resource objective or purpose:

As applicable, check all character traits this resource positively demonstrates (Ment

Section 2: Your Review

The following fields add your personal review of this item from an Adventist worldview. While geared to book reviews, these fields may be used (omit what does not fit) for reviews of any other resource type.
Your name and position:
Your email address or phone number:
Approximate reading level (enter grade range):
Literary genre (fiction or nonfiction, childrens literature - picture or chapter book
Themes or content areas/subjects to use this resource with:
Potential causes for concern, or cautions against using this when teaching from an Ad