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  • Adventist Resource
    An Attitude - Which One Would You Like? Kindergarten-Lifelong
    "It’s encouraging to know that we don’t have to be victims of circumstance. We have a choice of our attitude responses, and it truly is a benefit to us that we do."

  • Adventist Resource
    Bible Life Series 5: Fruit of the Spirit - God's Gift Grade 5
    Previously part of the NAD Bible curriculum, Fruit of the Spirit: God's Gift is a revision of the fifth grade Bible textbook What Shall I Live For? Designed for Grade 5, or the first in the Grade 5-8 multigrade cycle, this text is divided into...

  • Christian Resource
    Bread of Life Ministries Kindergarten-Grade 8
    Free resources and curriculum for units of Bible study or short devotionals.

  • Adventist Resource
    Joy - The Secret of Being Content Tertiary-Lifelong
    What is joy and how can I get some? Find out the difference between joy and happiness and some pointers on how to have joy in your life. If you take a look at this article, you'll find you can have joy no matter what life throws at you.

  • Adventist Resource
    Joy Quotations Kindergarten-Lifelong
    A study of joy through Ellen White quotations.[For a complete list of Ellen White publication abbreviations visit the White Estate.]

  • Adventist Resource
    The Gospel of Laughter Grade 9-Lifelong
    "Laughter can be the best medicine, but only if it is used as a way to express the joy as well as the hope that is ours as we place our confidence in God."