CIRCLE grows because of user submissions. For more information about submitting resources to the CIRCLE database, please read the following help topics.


Who Can Submit Resources to CIRCLE?

Any teacher, administrator, home school educator, student, or anybody else interested in helping Adventist educators connect to quality resources can submit resources to CIRCLE. You can submit from any computer with an internet connection, from anywhere in the world.

What Types of Resources Should I Submit to CIRCLE?

CIRCLE welcomes any quality resource that supports some aspect of Adventist education. Some examples of such resources include:
  1. Lesson plans
  2. Web links to lesson plans and connections with other educators ...
  3. Software, CDs, music, videos, cassettes...
  4. A newspaper or journal article supporting a lesson
  5. Illustrative materials for a Bible lesson
  6. A textbook, manual, guide, or reference tool
  7. Professional development connections
  8. Personal web sites of Adventist educators or institutions
  9. And much more …

Why Should I Submit to CIRCLE?

CIRCLE is a clearinghouse connecting those who have resources with those who need resources. As our acronym suggests, CIRCLE relies on the educators who use the database to keep the database growing. Your discoveries will quite likely make some other busy educator's life easier, and the service that much more effective.

How Do I Submit a Resource to CIRCLE?

Click on the word Submit at the top of any CIRCLE page. Feel free to contact us with any questions the helps in the sidebar don't answer. All submissions are screened for completeness and appropriateness before appearing on the web site. Please supply as much of the requested information as possible.