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  • Adventist Resource
    A Teacher's Bill of Rights Tertiary-Lifelong
    This article provides fundamental information about the supervision and evaluation process for teachers and explains what teachers should expect from the process. It lists eleven principles under the following headings: The Planning Conference, Classroom Observation,...

  • Adventist Resource
    Connectedness - Bridging the Gap between Values and Practice in Developing a Safe and Supportive School Community Kindergarten
    A paradox exists within the teaching profession:"On one hand educators know and believe that students need role models and that almost every aspect of teaching, even (or especially) including discipline—is all about relationships. Yet on the other...

  • Adventist Resource
    Constituent Expectations of the Youth Ministries Department Tertiary
    This paper reports a focus group research for the Northern California Conference. Its purpose was to assist the Youth Ministries Department in determining the expectations and evaluation of their programs and services by their constituents. Sic focus groups...

  • Adventist Resource
    English Language - An Analysis of Its Application in Pedagogical Practice Tertiary
    This paper presents a brief discussion about the effectiveness of the teaching of English language subjects and the training of foreign language teachers in language teachers in higher education courses. Through bibliographic and quantitative research, the...

  • Adventist Resource
    Expectations, Education and Occupational Attainment - A Study of Prominent Argentinian Women Tertiary-Lifelong
    The research is part of the cognitive-affective and motivational perspective (psychological processes involved in goal achievement behavior: Heider, Kelley, Weiner, Bandura, Csikszentmihalyi, among others). We analyze the determinants of achievement in a population...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Formation and Enactment of Teacher Expectations of Student Achievement in Private Schooling Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "This study examined how teachers form expectations of the students they teach and how their self-reported behaviours in the classroom reflect these expectations. This qualitative study, theoretically informed by phenomenological hermeneutic inquiry,...

  • Adventist Resource
    Thinking Success Kindergarten-Grade 12
    School administrators with high expectations, positive self-concepts, and specific goals, will greatly improve any school program. Most individuals live up to the expectations others hold for them. School administrators can influence student achievement without...