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  • Adventist Resource
    Bible Life Series 3: Accepting His Plan Teacher Resource Grade 1-Grade 4
    Previously the third textbook in the NAD Grade 1-4 cycle, Accepting His Plan is a study of God's plan to redeem this world. It begins with the problem that Lucifer created in heaven when he became jealous of God. This jealousy leads to a rebellion in...

  • Adventist Resource
    Free or Servile Will? The Human Will in Erasmus and Luther Tertiary
    Erasmus of Rotterdam and Martin Luther were two great historical personalities of the 16th century. Both sought a renewal of the Christianity of their time. However, Erasmus did not accept the break with church tradition, while Luther sought a reform based...

  • Adventist Resource
    Jesus Gives Freedom Grade 9-Lifelong
    "He respects our 'yes,' but also our 'no.' He gives freedom. He invites us: 'Come and follow me. Be my beloved friend.'”

  • Adventist Resource
    Moral Choice - Deterministic, Random, or Free Will? Tertiary-Lifelong
    Hyde "argues that choice is not deterministic or random, but that we humans have a God-given power that allows us to be the originators of choices that shape our lives. Since these are our own choices, we are responsible; we are punished or rewarded for...

  • Adventist Resource
    Revelation Publication Bible Study Guides Grade 7-Lifelong
    Revelation Publications Bible Study Guides are designed to point you to Scripture first for Bible-based answers. As commentary, the Spirit of Prophecy follows each Bible-based answer. The student is doubly blessed by having direct interaction with the Bible...

  • Adventist Resource
    Telling the Truth About Truth Tertiary-Lifelong
    King highlights six truths about Truth from Scripture. It exists; it matters; it must be sought; it is in a person; it requires us to take a stand; and it sets us free. Read about some of the scriptural references that back up these truths about Truth.

  • Adventist Resource
    Thinking Straight in a Crooked World Tertiary-Lifelong
    The way we live is determined by how we think. This article discusses human behaviors and choices that explore this statement. Du Preez talks about the genetic-origin hypotheses of sinful tendencies and predispositions. The mechanical-protection philosophy...

  • Adventist Resource
    You, Your Neurons, and Free Will - Concerns about Reductionism and the Popularization of Cognitive Science Tertiary
    "Along with a longstanding Adventist commitment to the development of the whole person, as well as to the development of character through effortful practice, the Adventist position on human nature has much to offer cognitive science and the public...