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  • Adventist Resource
    Holiday Materials - January - Teacher Bulletin Volume 6 Kindergarten-Grade 8
    Background information and activities concerning Martin Luther King Jr.: All About Martin Luther King Jr. About Dr. Martin Luther King and Me African-American Inventors

  • Adventist Resource
    Lest We Forget . . . The Total Historical Picture - Unit Plan Grade 7-Grade 12
    "Much has happened over the last 160 years in our church and in our country. Since 1848, our church and our country have seen many changes and many firsts. Many events have challenged our very existence, but other events have shaped us in to what we are today."

  • Adventist Resource
    Mission: Invent Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Join K–12 Seventh-day Adventist student inventors from across North America. WHAT: Work with your classmates to build solutions to real-world problems using the engineering design process. Participate in an invention fair at your school, similar...

  • Adventist Resource
    Promoting Children's Serenity in the School Context - Preliminary Experiences in an Environmental Risk Zone Grade 1-Grade 3
    The notable increase in aggressiveness in the school context is of concern to parents and educators. Disruptive child behavior, which can range from insults and teasing to outright criminal acts, makes school work considerably more difficult (Marín...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Cult of Mary - A Creation of the Papacy Tertiary
    The present work focuses on how the cult to the person of Mary, mother of Jesus, became one of the defining characteristics of Roman Catholicism. In addition to investigating the historical roots of this form of worship, the author compares it with the testimony...