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  • Adventist Resource
    Biblically Integrated Force and Motion Lesson Grade 7-Grade 8
    A science lesson exploring the concepts of force and motion that integrates biblical worldview thinking. Use this biblically integrated lesson plan template to prompt intentional...

  • Adventist Resource
    Earth Science Labs Grade 9-Grade 10
    This comprehensive collection of earth science labs integrate faith with academic excellence. Download 110+ lab sheets for a full year's high school earth science course. An index organizes labs by chapter titles in the text Glencoe McGraw Hill's text, Earth...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Lord's Prayer with Actions Preschool-Grade 8
    This version of The Lord's Prayer with beautiful actions gives your students a multi-sensory approach to learning. Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic modes combined provide an enriched learning experience as well as a beautiful opportunity to share a blessing...