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  • Adventist Resource
    Back to the Past Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Focuses on the Howick Historical Village in New Zealand, but also suggests benefits of making history real for the students in your own classroom.

  • Christian Resource
    Bible History Online Grade 5-Lifelong
    Find a variety of resources to better understand the historical background of the Bible. Sections include: ancient documents, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Near East, Persia, Rome and other; archaeology; Bible history; Bible searches; biblical archaeology; children's...

  • Christian Resource
    Creation Evidence Chart & Museum Grade 7-Lifelong
    The Creation Evidence Museum sells a 7 ft. 8 in. full color chart of the "Creation in Symphony" model accompanied by a 10-page "Illustrated Creation Model" booklet explaining each globe. CEM is a non-profit educational museum in Texas that...

  • Adventist Resource
    South American Division Opens a Museum of Nature in Galápagos Islands Tertiary-Lifelong
    In a region long associated with the theory of evolution, the new Origins of Museum of Nature “tells the story of creationism in an interactive way that engages the postmodern mind.”

  • Adventist Resource
    SWAU Online Fossil Museum Preschool-Tertiary
    Southwestern Adventist University's Online Fossil Museum includes photos of specimens discovered, some in 3-D. The collection has been developed to fulfill the mission and purposes of the Departments of Geology and Biology and the Hanson Research Station in...