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  • Adventist Resource
    Bible Life Series 3: Accepting His Plan Teacher Resource Grade 1-Grade 4
    Previously the third textbook in the NAD Grade 1-4 cycle, Accepting His Plan is a study of God's plan to redeem this world. It begins with the problem that Lucifer created in heaven when he became jealous of God. This jealousy leads to a rebellion in...

  • Adventist Resource
    Experiencing God Through Prayer Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This experiential devotional uses the PRAY (P--praise, R--repent, A--ask, Y--yield) prayer model to guide your prayer time with God. It includes applicable Bible texts and Ellen White quotations.

  • Adventist Resource
    Lost and Found - A Journey of Hope Grade 7-Lifelong
    "Even though I had a sad trajectory in the world of sin and crime, God made me victorious in Christ Jesus and showed me that real joy and pleasure comes from serving Him."

  • Adventist Resource
    Nurturing Real Growth Newsletter 8 - Model Repentance Preschool-Grade 12
    In this redemptive discipline article for parents and teachers, McClintock uses personal and biblical examples to show the importance of apologizing when we have made a mistake.

  • Adventist Resource
    Revelation Publication Bible Study Guides Grade 7-Lifelong
    Revelation Publications Bible Study Guides are designed to point you to Scripture first for Bible-based answers. As commentary, the Spirit of Prophecy follows each Bible-based answer. The student is doubly blessed by having direct interaction with the Bible...

  • Adventist Resource
    Set Free Grade 9-Grade 12
    Renowned gospel recording artist Michael Harris, tells the story of his deliverance from a life of drugs and alcohol.