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  • Adventist Resource
    Certainty of Faith and Probabilistic Science Tertiary-Lifelong
    "This paper presents a model (Figure 1) in which reality as viewed by empiricists and reality as viewed by fundamentalists can be examined. It shows how the certainty of faith of fundamentalists and the probability of empiricists can co-exist. The model...

  • Adventist Resource
    JAE Editorial: The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Sesquicentenary 0-2 years-Lifelong
    Marking the 150th anniversary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, this issue addresses use of Adventist heritage studies in the classroom. Articles include: Service: The Fourth Dimension in Adventist...

  • Adventist Resource
    Seventh-day Adventist Theses and Dissertations Tertiary-Lifelong
    A collection of all known Adventist college and university dissertations and theses from a religious education perspective.

  • Adventist Resource
    The Rest of the Story - Why and How to Teach Research Skills Grade 6-Tertiary
    The importance of checking the facts, evaluating truthfulness, learning research skills and critical thinking skills are basic to being an educated Christian. Library instruction helps to develop the strategies of research. Instructors should cooperate with...