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  • Adventist Resource
    Adventist Deaf Ministries International Kindergarten-Lifelong
    Adventist Deaf Ministries International provides a variety of resources such as devotionals, videos, and printed materials. Also available is a list of division contacts as well as additional resources by country.

  • Adventist Resource
    Teaching the Student with a Hearing Loss Kindergarten-Grade 8
    Ruth Pope gives practical suggestions for teaching children with mild or profound hearing impairment. Included in this article are suggestions for improving instruction, such as teaching hearing and non-hearing students how to treat each other, using amplification,...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Lord's Prayer with Actions Preschool-Grade 8
    This version of The Lord's Prayer with beautiful actions gives your students a multi-sensory approach to learning. Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic modes combined provide an enriched learning experience as well as a beautiful opportunity to share a blessing...