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  • Adventist Resource
    A Human Sign-Child and the Divine Dragon-Slayer Grade 11-Lifelong
    The importance of historical and cultural background to study of the Old Testament. Context is essential to biblical studies. A productive approach to studying the Old Testament is to become aware of biblical time, language, and culture (TLC). Illustrations...

  • Adventist Resource
    A Short Grammar of Biblical Aramaic Tertiary-Lifelong
    "This standard grammar book of biblical Aramaic, used by students at many seminaries and universities, is the only one to include graded exercises at the close of each of its twenty lessons." An Annotated...

  • Adventist Resource
    An Annotated Answer Key to Alger Johns's A Short Grammar of Biblical Aramaic Tertiary-Lifelong
    "This companion volume to A Short Grammar of Biblical Aramaic by Alger Johns provides translations for the exercises in the textbook. Addressing each chapter of...

  • Christian Resource
    Bible Research Tertiary-Lifelong
    This site is for Bible students who are looking for detailed information on the history of the canon, texts, and versions of Scripture. Internet resources include links to Greek text of the New Testament, Hebrew Text of the Old Testament, Hebrew and Greek...

  • Christian Resource
    Hebrew for Christians - Free Learning Tools Tertiary-Lifelong
    basic information about the Hebrew alphabet, vowels, and Biblical Hebrew grammar so that you can better understand the Scriptures from a Hebraic point of view. Join me in my Bet Midrash (house of study), and progress from knowing not one letter of Hebrew to...

  • Adventist Resource
    Leona Glidden Running - Dialogue with an Adventist linguist and scholar Grade 10-Lifelong
    Running answers questions regarding language, education, and her career - Why is the study of biblical languages important for a minister? How did you get interested in ancient languages? What is your major satisfaction teaching biblical languages?

  • Adventist Resource
    Linguistics Speak to Biblical Interpretation, Creation, and Babel Tertiary-Lifelong
    This paper highlights "the centrality of language to human experience, and shows linguistics to be a science with a lengthy history, reflecting enduring human interest in it... True to its nature, the Bible has essential things to say about linguistics...

  • Adventist Resource
    Microstructural Analysis of Revelation 4-11 Tertiary-Lifelong
    "A premier comprehensive microstructure of the book of Revelation. This work is a major reference for anyone doing serious work in the Greek of Revelation. Number 21 in the Andrews University Seminary Doctoral Dissertation Series."

  • Christian Resource
    New Testament Greek Text Tertiary-Lifelong
    View every chapter of the new testament in Greek, or search for a word.

  • Christian Resource
    Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Tertiary-Lifelong
    Crosswalk's Hebrew Lexicon has been designed to help the user understand the original text of the Bible. By using the Strong's version of the Bible, the user can gain a deeper knowledge of the passage being studied. The Hebrew Lexicon can be searched in three...

  • Christian Resource
    Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon - Tertiary-Lifelong
    This Old Testament Hebrew lexicon has been developed to aid the user in understanding the original text of the Hebrew Old Testament. By using the Strong's version of the King James and New American Standard Bibles, a deeper knowledge, of the passage being...

  • Adventist Resource
    Using the Word - Studying Biblical References in Poetry Grade 11-Tertiary
    Poetry provides excellent opportunities for teaching students how to apply scriptures to their daily lives, thereby enhancing students' faith in the word of God and their appreciation for biblical principles. This is the goal of integrating faith with learning...