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  • Adventist Resource
    CognitiveGenesis Brochures and Posters Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Download or order several formats of brochures or posters citing Cognitive Genesis research results to positively market your school. Versions for Canada and United States available.

  • Adventist Resource
    CUC Ten Reasons Why Small Schools Work Kindergarten-Grade 8
    This brochure outlines ten reasons why small Adventist schools provide quality education. Short paragraphs explain each of the following titles: individualization, flexibility, curriculum, social skills, family atmosphere, parental involvement, academic achievement, leadership, character building, and spiritual growth.

  • Adventist Resource
    Oregon Conference Risk Management Forms & Brochures Preschool-Grade 12
    The Oregon Conference Risk Management webpage provides downloadable forms and brochures on many safety topics, including school safety & self-inspection, school safety officer job description, and child protection. Scroll down for lists.

  • Adventist Resource
    School Marketing Information and Brochure Template 0-2 years-Grade 12
    A small school principal-teacher provides information about how to market Adventist schools. Photos are included as examples, as well as a brochure template.