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  • Adventist Resource
    Competency-based Education Grade 10-Tertiary
    Competencies tend to convey what the person is capable of or competent to perform, the degree of preparation, and sufficiency or responsibility for certain tasks. It tries to follow an integrative approach, considering capabilities as a dynamic combination...

  • Adventist Resource
    Cooperating for Success - Cooperative Learning Benefits Teachers and Students Kindergarten-Grade 8
    Cooperative learning can be incorporated in multi-grade settings if several steps are followed. First the teacher must make a commitment to stay with cooperative learning long enough to become proficient at it. Second, go slowly. Third, have someone to whom...

  • Adventist Resource
    Cooperative Education Necessary Tool for Teaching and Learning Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This article from the special JAE issue on cooperative learning shows how important cooperative learning is in the classroom. Cooperative learning has shown measurable results in the following areas: higher achievement; improved critical thinking; increased...

  • Adventist Resource
    Putting Education to Work: Cooperative Education at Columbia Union College Tertiary
    Richard Moyers describes how cooperative education can be adapted and implemented at an Adventist college. Columbia Union College's work-study program available to students in the form of cooperative education. The history of cooperative education at CUC is...