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  • Adventist Resource
    Adventist Health Ministries Grade 7-Lifelong
    Learn more about Adventist health beliefs and lifestyle. Consider Christian perspectives on various health-related issues, find powerpoints to teach CELEBRATIONS...

  • Adventist Resource
    Binge Drinking - A New College Epidemic Grade 12
    Alcohol and drug use is a common health problem on college and university campuses. Alan Handysides shares the statistics among college aged young adults, and what it means for the thousands of students attending Christian colleges and Adventist schools. Handysides...

  • Adventist Resource
    Scary Things Kindergarten-Lifelong
    This article addresses the fear that parents can have about the safety and well being of their children. There are so many things that can harm our children: bullies, drugs, diving accidents, date rape, and the list goes on. There are three suggestions for...

  • Adventist Resource
    Should I Drink Wine for My Health? Tertiary-Lifelong
    "About 10 years ago, in my early teens, I pledged not to drink any beverage containing alcohol. Thus far, I am keeping my promise, and have no regrets. Recently, however, I’ve been reading reports about the health benefits of drinking wine regularly....

  • Adventist Resource
    Use of Alcohol - Not Safe at Any Level Grade 9-Lifelong
    "The safest level of alcohol consumption is zero. Alcohol is not a health beverage! Drinking while in college is risking your chances of success in school as well as your future health and happiness."

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 10: How At-Risk are our Kids? Kindergarten-Tertiary
    This Valuegenesis 2 newsletter reports on the attitudes of students in grades 6-12 toward at-risk behaviors such as tobacco and marijuana use, and alcohol consumption. The instrument in this Valuegenesis 2 report addressed students' understanding of church...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 17: At-Risk Behavior and Our Youth Grade 9-Grade 12
    This Valuegenesis 2 newsletter reports on the incidence of at-risk behavior in Adventist youth, the percentage of Adventist youth involved in at-risk behaviors, and the influence of supportive and effective environments.